I just wanted to share how much i LOVE accessories :)

What do you think ?
Are they HOT or NOT ? hahaha
Btw i got some of the necklaces from HappyBee, Drole Project , Craftiq , forever21 and others from local boutique or a gift :)
Last Saturday i went to Kemang with Dinta :)

And she just got those cute bleached legging ! What do you think of it ??
Oh yea , and don't you just LOVE her peep toe boots too ? It's adorable ! She purchased it from Betty LA Shop for your information :) haha

And wait for my DIYs ! I'm working on some ( alot ) :))
See ya later and LOVE ya guys
36 feedbacks:
they're HOT !! haha.
cute crying face (:
visit my blog too (; i have new post (:
They are HOT sabila :) :)..
anw,,wanna try to shop at my olshop?hihi
visit NABLY yaa sabilaa..siapa tau ada kalung yg kamu suka..hihi
thx be4
thanks a bunch, sissy!
next upload, aku sms km deh yaaa..
nice photos 1
I just love how this post saying : "I love necklace. period."
Riatii : tx and sure i'll visit your post
Shilla : ga ganti ko cuman pulsanya abis doaaang hhe
Nably : Sure !
Annisa : iya sama sama ka, siip deh
Dear Bloggers,
For you who have a shop who sells cute ( really cute and unique :) ) accessories , please tell me because i'm really interested !
It could be necklaces , bracelets , rings , many more . Just inform me :))
Tx alot
Aaaaah mau mau banget tuh kalung kalungnyaa >.< they're verry cute and Sabrina's cute too when she cries !
Her nose's red lol
They're HOT ! Love it sooo much :) hhe
Ans sabrina's cute too + lovin Dinta's shoes .
Love everything about this post !
Keep it up
And i'm waiting for your DIY's
You know what i love the most about you ?
It's not just your style dear , It's everything about you :)
Love the pictures , the accessories are HOT and love how you edit the pictures , Your sister is cute , and what u were wearing is wow ! , dinta's peep toes are HOT too !
And totally waiting for your DIY !
Don't be long ! Hahaha
Love ya dear
Stella : Yes , whenever she cries her nose , eyes and cheeks turns red haha
Supergirl : Oh thank youuuu :)
Lalaa : It's really really really nice of you to say that , and i'm really honored
And don't worry , i'm making couple of DIY
say aku dah kirim message loh ke account fb betty la shop yg lama tapi belom di approve ;P
Caroline : Okeee deh , ntar aku confirm
Shilla : Kalung yang mana sai ? Yang MJ atau yang colorfull ituu ?
halo sabila. gue tasya judge kls 9 dari alazhar rawamangun. gue mau ngmgin sesuatu nih hehe boleh minta emailnya? atau nmr handphone? kalo mau private aja email gue ke tasyajudge@yahoo.com yaaa, makasih ya sabila maaf kalo sok kenal hehe :)
ps; please email me as soon as you can, soalnya penting nih.. maaf klo rada aneh yaaa. makasiiih
aww you two look beautiful. i love your style, like always. and your sis look like the miniature of you hehehe
Tasca : Ok , i'll comment you
Onic : tx yaaa :) kaka juga beautiful hhe
nice bleached legging girl hohoho....
Ka Sabila :)
You know i LOVE your blog so much , but i never posted any comments because i don't have blog
But because i really really want to post comments on your blog , so finally i make a blog just for comments . Not posting
I'm not the kind of girl who like blogging haha
I just love reading blogs
May i have your YM ?
I want to chat with ya sometimes
Tx alot ka sabila
INBERT : i don't rally like it though , haha too bleachy
Nancy : Reallyy ??? jadi maluuuu hahha
Tx banget yaaaaa
Huhu it's really nice of you to say that !
Yes, i have YM
Ntar aku kasih tau yaaa
I WANT THE PEP TOE BOOTIE baby!! so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! can i purchase it???
thx for stopping my blog..i'm using digital camera..but edited it wif adobephotoshop CS..you should get the tutorial on the bookstore to make it expert.. tee hee....!!
looking at ur nostalgia post made me realise ur 6 yrs younger than me!
wow u sure do love accessories
cant wait for the DIY : )
Astrid : tx alooot
Myrrrh goldframe : Ooooh , digital camera apaaa? Trus berapa MP ? Kirain pake SLR abis fotonya bagus baguuuuus hhe :)
Hmmm , buku edit photoshop yang bagus tuh yang karangan siapaaaa ? hheee mau cari di toko buku
Oh yea 1 more question , itu ukuran foto fotonya berapa x berapa yaaaa ?
Maaf banyak nanyaaa haha
tx yaaaa
Wina : oooh hha yes , just wait for them
iya order online.. terus aku nitip temen aku di amrik, dia nitip temenny balik kesini hahaha :P soalnya ga ada international shipping :( iyaa thanks yaa.. aku juga udah komen tp blom dibalas hahaha
sabila, itu kalung pita putih yang di kiri, beli dimana?? lucu bgtt
Caroline : Oh gituuuu hahha lucu sepatunyaaa :)
Hmmmm iya aku keder kalo ngebales comment satu satu ka huhu kan kalo ga salah udah dikasih tau , kalo mau order langsung email or sms ajaaaa .
Kalo kaka ga mau sms ntar kasih tau aja kaka comment barang yg manaaaa yaaa
Andryanda : Itu dari forever21 saiiii
Tapi bukan yang di grand indonesia , itu dibeliin tante aku yang darisingapore :))
Yes she does :)
Because before we lived in one house so , she knows me pretty well !
But i don't know her that well hahahaa
Sab, itu belt yang kamu pake yang di DIY itu kaaaan ? hahaaa lucuuu ternyata dah dibuat dari lamaaa yaa
love it
Oh ya , itu leggingnya dinta DIY atau beli yaaa?
Kak sabila, leging nya keren!!!! beli di mana kak? Thx you ya kak sabilaaaaa..
super girl : iyaaa wah makasih
lalaaa : beli doooong
stella : itu punya temen aku, dia beli di salah satu butik di kemang
balenciaga sneakers
pg 1
nike air max
adidas tubular
supreme outlet
air max 2017
adidas yeezy
supreme clothing
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