Like I said on my last post , that i'm making DIYs

But i was trying to make some acid jeans and turned out bad -_-
So can't post the result of them , instead i made DIY accessories !
I transformed alot of things ! From lame to shame :)
Just like ;
*My old ripped stocking is now my cool multifunction fringe scarf
*My plain belt and bracelet is now my dazzling studded belt and bracelet
*My plain stretchy black belt and left over red satin is now my cute lollita red belt*Last but not least , the left overs of the stocking + some left overs purple satin star studds are my new big belt

I didn't give you steps on how to make it because it's very simple ! You can do it on your own
So just be creative with it !
And just for the bow belt , you have to sew the bow so it will be neat :)
So do you like it ?? Hahahaha
Have a good day !
P.S : Betty LA Shop will lauch the new collection on Thursday , 13 August at 14.30 . Stay tuned at Betty's Fb and Betty's blog !
There will be many accessories and shoes ( no clothing )
Don't miss it
39 feedbacks:
i loveeeeee that!!
thanks for commenting on my blog.
cute belt! i wanna have round gold studs.. looks great =D
Dinta : " that " yang manaaaa? lo takut gue tabokin senin kaaan ? hahahahaaaaa just kidding :)
Fanny : Yes the round ones are cute too :) and thanks
love the cute red ribbon . :)
wah hebat juga ya untuk cewek seumur kamu udah bisa bikin DIY project, kreatif banget !!!!!
nice studded belt,may i know where did you buy those studs? if you mind, thankyouuu :)
cute!!! :)
keren2 sabila (or sissy?wkt itu shilla comment di aq&nyebut kamu sissy..itu panggilan kamu?hehe)
kamu kreatif bgt suka smuanyaa..MANTAB!!
hmm..bow merahnya itu kamu sambungin ama apa?ada belt karet gtu ya?
o iyaa..stud kamu macem2 bgt deh bentuknyaa..kereeen..beli dimana aja itu stud?ada yg bulat ama bintang2 jg yaa?
kerenn!! btw, gw setuju dgn semuanya yg bertnyaa Where did u but those rockin studs?
hey, i'm a new blogger
love your style, love the red big bow belt!!
you are soo cutee
You are too cute honey!
kakak emang stylish banget!!! Go kak Sabila!!! haha.. nice to meet you ya kak! =)
TARA : Wah makasih bangeeet yaa :) hhe
Owen : my friend got those studds for me ! But it's from Malaysia . I don't know if there are those kind of studds here hhee
Fika : Iyaa panggil aku Sissy ajaaa :) hhe wah thank you bangeeeeet ya hahahaa itu bownya iya disambungin pake belt karet
Kakaa juga DIY'snya MANTAB ! hahaa
Devi : Itu dari temen akuuu , dia ngasih oleh olehnya studd dari Malaysiaa hahaaa kalo yang kotak kotak biasa aku dapet dari Onic :) tau gaaa ? Yang blognya gimme smoothies ituuu
Kalo yang bintang and yang bulet ituu ga tau deh ada atau ga disiniii hhe
Nabila : Tx yaaa ! Oh kamu kan adeknya Fikaaaa hahaa
Putri : Oh tx ( blushing ) hahahaaa
Stella : Oooooh thanks bangeeet yaaaa
Sooo coool !
Kereeen bangeet deh DIY nya
hahaaa sempet sempetnya juga kamu bikin DIY
Iya tuh studdnya keren kere banget tapi susah nyarinya
Love the bow belt too
Keep it up
Cool post you got here
And you got really good sense of style
Soo lovin' it
Aku juga bikin model yang acid wash gitu ga berhasil hasil
Ini aja hari ke 3 ngerendemnya
And cute shoes !
Pasti betty la yaa haha
Beyond creative !
I soo loveee seeing your DIYs , coz they're soo cool
You should do this more oftenly you know
And the studded belt's too cute
Love the way you mix and match the clothes
Pokonya TOP dah !
Super girl : Iya sih susah nyarinyaaa hhe makanya aku seneng banget pas dibawain
Gabriella : THANKS GIRL !
Lalaa : Iya nih susah bikin acid huhu iyaa itu betty punyaaa
Nancy : Wah ga bisa sering sering , aku juga kelas 9 banyak bangeet tugasnyaaa
Ini aja blogging sambil ngerjain tugas yang harus diketik hahaaa
I LOVE IT ALL <3 Yay yay will be checking your blogshop, I'm currently needing some shoes :D
very creative! not only you create cool 'new' stuff, but you also save the environment (reuse old items instead of throwing it out) :)
you should have bigger photos though, so people can drool over your DIY stuff even more :D
keep up the good work. teach us more DIY projects.
great ideas of DIY! =D
you did super DIYs :]
lucu2 smuanyaa.
btw necklace yang di header kamu pesen dimana?
awwww yg pita merah cute sekaliii.. kamu kreatif yaaaa... i saw your profile on GG. awesome!! :D
sabila..great diy projects :) especially the black studded belt. aku ljg kg nyoba bikin cincin dari kancing"jaman dulu hhe :)
anyway..i've linked youuu
wawww i love that super big red bow!! lucu bgt dan cocok sekali bwt lu ^^
LOVELY DIY! ahahha.. sangatttt seruuuu yaaa spertinyaaa..
andai saya orangnya rajin dan tidak malas.. hahaha
love your belts! they looks really gorgeous! ^*
huhu there...let's be friends..i love to do D-I-Y too...
love your belt !!!
where did u buy those studs thing ?
i wanna buy it too (:
I'm going to go to local traditional market store such as tanah abang or mayestik. Hope I'll find studs so I can follow your DIY. If I find them, I'll tell ya later ♥
Riatii : aku beli dari ONIC . from gimme smoothies
Nadia : okeeee haha :)
Your black belt = love it ! I just wanna ask , How the studs can stick to the belt ? thanksss :)
lovely dress hun! *)
you are soooo creative. i love of them
and also your style, really cute.
mh.. im wondering how old are you because you looks young but that's great because if im right so you're such a young tallented girl :)
blue sprinkles : just open gogirl web . i'm one of their contributirs :)and i made a tip about how to make that belt
style : which dress? haha tx
rara : i'm 13 :) i'm going to be 14 on october 1st . and thank you a bunch !
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