Thank god its Friday !
I'm baaaaaaaaack
Well i haven't finished the project yet , but schools out for 2 days so i'm currently free
I didn't go anywhere , buuuuuut i played with Sabrina this morning :)
Our theme is CRAZY , do anything you wanna do.
So by the pictures below , lots of them are jumping scheme .
It's FUN ! You should do it with your sis too.
Enjoy the pics :)

You can see that Sabrina got really exhausted ....

Oh yea , today i was planning to post a post about my style or something like that . But i was not in the mood for dressing up . sooooooo i'll post about that later
Hope you enjoy the pictures :)
You should do something like this with your sister too
Love yaaaaaaa !
23 feedbacks:
seru sekali ya nampaknyaaaa
adik mu lucu sekali =)
lucu bangeeet :)
tx yaa guys :)
hey !
You cutted your bangs !
Cuteee :) you look more like your sister
And she's adorableeeeee
love you both
fotonya banyak juga yaaaaa :)
kamu pake camera apa sai ? aku suka deh yang foto banyak ituuu yang berkali kalii
sbrina is damn cute !
super : yes i did , and tx
Stellalula : banyaak dong haha aku pake NIKON coolpix ka .... oh ituu , iya itu fitur dari cameranyaaa
Btw for all of you who said sabrina's cute , i told her that and she says thank youuuuu :)
enak yaaa punya dik
Ga nyangka deh dia 5tahun
abis badanya bery big
btw , happy fasting dear !!
if you don't mind berat sabrina berapa sih?
Ko kayanya gede bangeet gitu buat anak 5tahun haha
orang gendut biasanya cepet cape loooh hehe
nice pics
your havin so much fun
lalaa : happy fasting too ! dia beratnya 29kg , gede bangeeeeeet kaaaan ? aku aja beratnya 36kg. padahal beda 9tahun looooh -_-
nancy : oooh hahaha tx yaaa
Haha looks nice to have a sister :)
Aaaaaaaaaaa, gemesssshh, Sabrinanya aku mau gigittt. Giginya masih ompong ga? Hihihihihi.
ohhhh she's too cute!
i love your blog, honeey!
please visit back. :)
Ananda : itu bukan ompong gara gara copot kaaa , itu giginya keropos gara gara minum susu teruuuus :) hahaha
Putri : Sure i will :)
you BOTH look super cute! actually I think ur cuter hehee..btw wudnt bigger pictures look better? do tht we can get close-up for ur outfits..
haha tx yaaa. hmmm ok i'll upload bigger pics later . and on these pics , i on'y wear home outfits :) hehe so there's nothing special about it
you and your sis is so cute. please follow me and comment me thanks :) ♥
will she be as stylist as you? she will, I guess ♥
ahhhhh kalian lucu sekaliiiiiiiiiiiii ♥
fashion eyes : tx yaa ,sure will do :)
Nadia : well let's just hope hahaha
Diana : ooooh makasih yaaaaaaaaaa :))
waaaah..baru liat foto2 kamu ama sabrinaa..lucuu bgt kalian..kamu malah sampe salto begitu&kalian maen kuda2an..hehe
ade' aq yg paling kecil malah ga doyan bgt foto..dia kelas 1 smp&gendutnya sama kyk sabrina..hihi
gmn project kamu si?ud kelar smua blom?aq baru aja kirim smuanya niy..dr kmrn koneksi internetnya jelek bgt,jd br kekirim semua barusan aja..hoho
kalian berdua lucuu bgt. klihatannya km bnr2 having a good time with your lil sis. =)
sooo adorable
Fika : iyaaa hehe , oh adek kaka yang gendut itu yaaa? pernah kan ada di salah satu post yang kaka ngejar ngejar diaaaa haha
Hmm udah dikirim semua dooong :) tapi aku cuman 7 , lagi banyak tugas dan udah MENTOK idenyaa hehe.
Ka Fika kan kreatif :)))
Nabila : makasih yaaaaaaaa
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