I just got packages from the TIKI man today :) And there were like 6 shoe boxes , and none of them are mine hahaha !
Feeling very tired lately , 3rd day of fasting .
You can see that most of the shoes are studded shoeeeeees
And i quickly unpack and then repacked it again to send them to their new homes .
As you know , whenever any customer shoe package arrives at my home , i unpack it right away . Then i take pictures of it for Betty LA 's album and then repack it to send it to their new homes. The TIKI man usually waits for them , so the shipping wont take long :)
Oh yea, do you know what my fav shoe is ????
It's this Studded heels ! It fits well and looks sooo cute :) To bad it's not mine
Well i've order one like this except without heels , I don't like wearing heels .
A to Z abstract blue outer , TOPSHOP acid tank , Betty LA white skirt and studded heels , DIY rapunzel Belt , Forever21 accessories
And then I have to say good bye to it -_-
And i want to thank the TIKI man for waiting hehe it took me 2hours to unpack and then repack all of these ( it took me so long because of the pictures taken )
P.S : Betty's new arrival part 4 will be on Wednesday 26 August at 2pm . There will be skirts, jeans , shoes and accessories
Don't miss it :)
26 feedbacks:
omg I love those shoes, btw where did u buy ur shoes, darlaaaa??
sissy sayaaang..sepatunya kereeen!!
yg stud2 itu brpan harganya? mauuu :D..hehe
o iy,,aq pake indosat m2..kamu pake apaa?
totally gorgeous shoes. yummy =D
Asty : Tx :)) It's from my online shop ( betty la shop )
Fika : makasiiiiiih hehe hmm kebetulan kita buat bulan ramadhan ini lagi tutup pemesanan tuh kaaaaa :) wah kan m2 lemoooot , speedy juga lemot . ga aada yang bener dah haha
Marla : yes they are yummy :D
Astrid : hahaha yes mee too !
sepatunya keren-keren banget aku suka banget :)
sii..klo nanti ud bisa order lagi, kabarin aq yaa..pengeeen niy :D..hehehe
katanya vastnet lumayan oke lho si..sayang aja dia blum masuk kedaerah rumah aq..huhu
blog walkin' =D
aah! sepatunya yang studded lucu, bulan ramadhan tutup ya?
kalo udah bisa kabarin yaaa :)
hei sissy, aku suka banget sama studded shoe nya , oh iya aku nge add fb kamu yang sabila anata plis confirm yaa :D
iya studded shoes nya bagus banget, pas ya di kaki =]. i'll visit the shop !
NEW ARRIVAL part 4 have been uploaded :)
There are many skirts , shoes, jeans , and accessories
Check out our blog : www.bettylashop.blogspot.com
or our Facebook
Fika : ooh fasnet hehe iya juga sih :) aku buat TV pake fastnet . syukur dah bisa dirumah hehe itu betty ada new arrival . liat liat yaaaaa :) hehe
Tasya : Iya nih soalnya kalo pesen sekarang kan pasti jadinya mendekati lebaran , nah kalo dah mau lebaran biasanya tukangnya tutup segala jadiii lamaaaa , kan ga enak sama customernya .
Talita : iyaaaaa hehe sayangnya bukan punya aku sih -_- hehe hmm oke ntaran yaaa, soalnya ada sekitar 500friend request jadi males confirm satu satu hehe
Carla : Iyaa hehe itu sebenarnya size 38 , bagian belakangnya kekecilan so ga dizipper haha .maksaaaaaa
Take a look around betty's new arrival ya guys :)
omg love the shoes!!!! all black hey? great.
Love that shoes!!
oh ya kalung yang 'pastel girl' beli dimana??
how lovely! =)
omg! i love the shoes on the last photos. sooo cute :3
hi, i saw at gogirl.. sorry for the late comment for that ... you're so cute and gorgeous..
i love the shoes also!
lilee : yes, they're mostly black :)
Natasyaa : hmm aku pesen kalungnyaaa . itu dari DROLE PROJECT . Ada ko linknya di salah satu post aku yang tentang acc ituuuu
Style of olya: yes they areeeeeee :)
Ichael: yes i LOVE shoes too ! thank youuuuu thei just stack of shoe boxes hahaha
Della : Wahahaha telat bangeeeet yaaa hehe but it's okeeee, tx yaaa btw
yg ga heels ada ga say? ato dijual ga? thx
kan lagi tutup pre ordeeeeeeer :)
ouch what a very cool statement shoes platform
maen2 ke blog aku dong heheh aku juga masih 14 taun :p
oh okeee deeeeeh
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