Jolly Holly Molly Chores

It's almost Eid day :)
But that means my house maid is away until Eid . And by that , it means that there will be no one who will clean our house , wash the dishes , iron the clothes and much more .

So i have to do some of those chores , my mom and dad is working and i'm just at home with Sabrina. Sabrina helps too but not alot
My chores for the day is sweeping the floor , watering the plants , ironing the clothes , do my bed , heat sabrina's meal , wash the dishes , tidy things up and make a fruit punch ( for magrib ) .
Do you think that's alot of chores ? But for me it's ALOT hahaha

Sweeping and cleaning things up ( also playing around :) )


Watering the plants





That's a lot of things to do .
Well , i have to wait 'till 1 more week then this whole cleaning thing will be over !
But i'm really sure that i will still have to do the dishes and do my bed when my house maid comes home. If i still can do it , then why not right ?
And look at the time ! I have to do some of my chores , can't blog oftenly guys .
Have a great day :)

Oh yea ! I almost forgot .
Sabrina just wanted to say ....


Although she's not fasting :) What a weird greeting right ? haha
Oh well ....

Sabila and Sabrina

25 feedbacks:

lalaaa said...

oooh i have to do chores too you know ?
But i also have to prepare for magrib and sahur , crazy crazy crazy
"si mbak" perannya besar bangeet deh , aku jadi kasian sama dia setiap hari kerjaannya berat dan jauh dari keluarga . Kita harus bersyukur sab

stellalula said...

ooooooh you guys look so cute together >.<
and you 2 alone in thehouse ? becarefull yaaa haha
Chores are very tiring , but you have to do it , SEMANGAT

stellalula said...

Btw , and you still look stylish when you're doing the chores ?? wonderfull

Sabila Anata said...

lalaa : iyaaaa, kadang kadang aku jadi kasian sama "si mbak " hehe yaaa mau ga mau harus bersih bersih . kalo ga kasian mama malah

Stellalula : yap just the two of us :) tapi papa sebelum magrib pulang ko nyiapin makanan bentar trus langsung jemput papa hahaha , maklum belom bisa masak
yah , aku mah kalo dirumah cuman pake celana pendek sama kaos doaaang ahaa. ini kan mau dimasukking blog , masa cuman pake celana pendek sama kaos doang :))

Super Girl said...

Iiiiiih sabrina ndut banget siiih aku jadi gemes ngeliatnyaaa , and the greeting is silly . Masa ngucapin selamat berpuasa dianya malah makaaaan , dasar ndut

Nancy Drew said...

I don't have a house maid in my house so doing chores for me is daily activities . And when u get used to it , it feels easy .
and love the greeting hahahahahaha

Sabila Anata said...

supergirl : Iya nih haha si "ndut" doyan banget tuh makan kue putri saljunyaaaa hehe

Nancy : yes it is . the greeting is weird ya know .....

Anonymous said...

i really like your blog sweety :)
oh iya, web miint creations blm bsa dibuka ya sayang?
ihh padahal aku mau bgt studded assymetrical outer nya sayang :'(
hihi salam yaa buat ade kamu yg super cute! hihi

The Fierce Berry said...

love your dress, oh your sister is so cute. btw, mind exchange link ?

ONiC said...

hey sis, tumblr itu juga sejenis blog. tapi tampilannya lebih simple. nggak kampungan kok, nggak tau kan awal dari tau :]

btw aww kerja yg rajin yah! hihihi luckyly mbak ku nggak pulang kampung. yayyy!
oh anyway, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa :]

Fika said...

sayaaang..kamu dan sabrina lucuu bgt..ngegemesin..hahaha

kamu rajiin yaa :D..klo ade' aq yg paling kecil,waah susah bgt deh diajakin beres2 rumah..hihi..slalu alasannya masih kecil, padahal ud SMP..krn plg bontot kali yaa..hihi

ayoo..semangat beres2 rumahnya..mulai besok mbakku juga pulang, jd yaa bakal saling gotong royong beresin rumahnya :D..

Sabila Anata said...

THATTA : udah bisa dibuka ko blog dan FB nya , tapi lom ada barang barangnyaaa hehe . iyaaa ntar launchingnya awal okto ko tapi aku lom tau tanggal berapaaaa, soalnya masih banyak yang lom kelar. Label aja lom selsai diproduksi soalnya kan ada libur lebaran jadi serba lemot , jahitan semua juga lom kelaaaar. sabar yaaaaa :)

Alita : thank you , itu thrifted loh hahaha . hmm oke oke tapi agak ntaran yaaaa , ini cuman sempet bales bales comment soalnya mau langsung pergi :)

Sabila Anata said...

Onic : oooh iya , kayanya emang pernah denger . tapi aku bikin acc nanti aja soalnya kalo bikin gituan suka ga keurus hehe . waaaah enak banget mbaknya ga pulaaaang hehe iya selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa jugaaa :)

Fika : iyaaa tuh sabrina gendut banget akunya kuruuus haha . wahahaha sabrina kadang kadang kalo lagi bad mood juga ga mau bantuin beres beres . iyaaa nih kita harus tetap semangat :))

michelle_ said...

your sister is such a cutie ! she looks very chic with those headbands .

kiya said...

where did you buy the shoes if you don't mind to answer? hehe it's cute, can't resist to ask :)

Velo said...

wah lucu banged, bil... =D
adek sama kakak sama2 kompak n stylish nya =D

Little Bo Peeep said...

Awww you guys are adorable! You look like me and my little sister back then haha :D
Anyways yaayy Eid is coming here as well, my mom has been making lots of cookies too.

Sabila Anata said...

Michelle : tx yaaaa

Kiya : hmmm i got it from my aunt from America :) It's really cute though hehe But i don't wear it oftenly because it's like for winter shoes

Sabila Anata said...

Velo : Waaah haha itu mah sabrina aku yang dandanin . ga mungkin dia bisa dandan sendiriiiii hahaha

Little bo beep : My mom's not baking cookies because there's so much cookies in our house from many people haha

Nancy Drew said...

Oh ya , ilove the shoes too dear , it's super cute . itu ssepatu rumah gitu ya ? seems compfortable pengen :)

Sabila Anata said...

iyaaa itu sepatu buat rumah . kan aku dah bilang kalo itu sepatu buat winter nah kan kalo diluar negri winter didalam rumah tetep dingin so biasanya pake septu gituaaaan tapi kalo di Jakarta mah ga pernah dipake , paling cuman buat main doaaaang haha . di indonesia coba cari aja yang kaya gituuu , sendal sendal bulu kan banyaaaak

Nancy Drew said...

oh i get it ko . tapi kalo di jakarta nyarinya dimana yaaa? kayanya ga pernah liat deh sepatu gituan sab

lalaaa said...

btw i love the headbands

Sabila Anata said...

nancy : hmm kalo di jakarta ga tau yaaa, tapi kalo di bandung kayanya ada, coba aja cari di FO FO tau ciwalk haha taoi ga yang kaya punya aku. disana banyak yang kaya sapi , babi , gitu gitu

lalaa : that's actually a shawl

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