Hey guys !
the giveaways are finally here !!!
You must be waiting from a long time ago right ?
Well here are the fashion set that i'm going to give

Are they HOT or NOT ?hahaha and these are only for indonesian citizens only yaaa so i'm going to explain in indonesian .
1. Link about this giveaways on your blog and don't forget to tell me when you've linked this
2. Tell this to EVERYONE ! It doesn't matter if they don't have a blog or anything , just tell your friends , family , and others ! And everyone from all ages can join :)
And this is what you must do
Make any kind of creations but it have to do something with fashion . It can be DIYs and others :) But you have to be VERY VERY VERY creative yaaaa.
Then send your creations to
Jl. poltangan raya no.4A , Pasar Minggu , Jakarta Selatan
So tell all of your friends , family , and everyone you know
And the most creative one will be the winner ! Clear already ?
Oh yea don't forget to send your BIODATA
Name , address , phone number , social networks , e-mail , shoe size , clothing size
Also post a comment on this post if you will join or not
This giveaways ends on 1st December
I'll be waiting for your creations guys !
30 feedbacks:
hello sabilaa, kamu mau voucher urbie? urbie(bloopendorse newest store at jatiwaringin jakarta timur) kindly send me a blank message with urbie as subject to dodol.pudol@hotmail.com
berarti ngirimnya dalam bentuk gambaran (sketch) gitu kan
bukaan , harus barang aslinya yaaa :)
berarti yang menang ada 4 orang??ato yang menang dapet semuanya??
1 orang 50 items ?
yang menang dapet semua ituuuu
1 orang cukup 1 creations kooo :) tapi kalo ngirim lebih dari 1 kemungkinan menangnya lebih besaaar
sabila,barangnya juga harus dikirim ya ke kamu? ohiya,aku ikut giveawaymu yaaaaaaa and already link and tell everyone about your giveaway! hope i'll win it!. tapi aku harus kirim barangnya ke kamu dong sabila?
dapet apa nie kalo menang?? barang2 di atas itu??
sabila akuu udah buat posted tentang giveawaymu..di blog kuu..:)
haloo thanks yah udah kasi tau tentang giveaway na :) tapi kayaknya rada repot gitu yah kalo kirim2 ? ntar aku pikirin dulu yah . thanks ! :)
jadi kepengen!!
i'd like to join :)
hey, i wish i could join your giveaways, but unfortunately i'm not in indo. hahahah
pingin banget sih, good luck and have fun with your giveaways. hahaha next time giveaways to overseas juga yaa
joining :)
i'd like to join ;)
sabilaa aku pindah blog, no more gimme smooties yah :]
awesomeee !!
tp aku lg sibuk skolaa . nga bakal sempet nge DIY dhh ..huuu sebell
iyaa barangnya harus dikirim yaaa :) and hadiahnya yang diatas ini :)
sabilaa, I'm join this hhe and will post about your giveayaws in my blog soon :)
langkah"nya engga perlu difoto kan? ribeeet hehe.
Hi, gw Icha met kenal ya..
pengen ikut juga nih, biarpun gw bukan fashion blogger.. :D
I'm totally joining ! Wait for my crations yaa sab !
@velonia ga usah kooo :)
thank you everyone !
this is a MUST join giveaways !
kinndof dificult but sure i'll join
come on everyoneeee :)
im defenitely joining in. i already told you from your twitter right? :D
hello, still remember me? I'm judith from the craft blog :)) thanks for inviting, I decide to join and already finished my craft for you^^ gonna link your giveaway and write my biodata soon... :3
if i in jkt i'll joined but i'm not :(
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