Here's my post again
I know , now i rarely blog . It's because my daaaaad !
Well he didn't do anything , but he forsed me to study everytime ! gooooosh -_-
I'm already in ninth grade so i have to focus on my studies . But as you know i LOVE blogging soooo much ! I'm so sorry if i can't be a good blogger
Please understand me
But i promise to blog at least once a week ! i PROMISE :)
And here are some photos that i took in my bedroom
Bloop assymetrical dress , Endorse outer , Reebok blue shorts , unbranded stocking , Fika headband , bought in USA red cherry shoes , Happy-go-lucky flower brooch
I've also been featured on DRESSCODE Magazine :)
I've also been featured on DRESSCODE Magazine :)
Ka Bethany Putri is also featured too :)
Oh yaaaaa, have you seen THIS IS IT ? Well i just did today with my family :) it's a worthed to watch movie ! And it's only out for 2 weeks guys so don't miss it !
Don't forget to follow my twitter yaaaa
You should see my studying desk

It's horrible right ?
Last but not least , someone made a fake facebook account by my name . My real name is Sabila Anata but "that person" made it Sabila Dinata , sooo it's totally a wrong name . But please don't try making fake accounts ! And without my permition . Becarefull guys
My FAKE facebook account : Sabila Dinata
My REAL facebook account : Sabila Anata
That's it guys ! Don't forget to participate my giveaways :)
20 feedbacks:
yeah the same problem, my mom always told me to study everytime ugh. Orang yang bikin FAKE account itu parah banget sih
Sabilaaa!hai haii!
i will join your giveaways soon,because i love reading your blog,keep posting ya dear!i have add your link too :D
wow, i love your red cherry flats :) and congrats for featured in some mags :) keep up the good work, keep writing :):)
wanna exchange link?
hihihi kamu lucu bgt deh, sayang :)
the outfit is simply chic! :)
ow're soooo great with that outfit.hmm,wanna exchange link?
sukse sob ... moga bisnisnya lancar terus...........
so cute! love the outerwear! btw, you're the owner of Miint, rite? i mentioned you on my last post =D
thank you everyoneeeeeee :)
Some messy desk you got there
oh yaa poeple should be ashamed by making other people's fake account ckckck
Btw , you look so cute in the pics
oh ya almost forget . Do you like purple ? Because your room looks so purple haha
But nice room though simple but cute :)
You know what i love about you ? Is that you dress up like your age . Some poeple dresses old which is not their age you know.
Keep this up sabila !
lalaa : Hehehe i rarely clean my desk , maybe once a month or just when i fell like to :) hmmm actually it's only my window and bed sheet that's purple , my other suffs are colorful hehe . I like purple but don't really like it . My fav color is actually PEACH
Supergirl : wow thank you yaaaa :)
and yes i will keep this up !
it's soo purply and cute :)
nice nice nice combination ! And you look cute there
thank youuuuu
sabila..thanks thanks thanks for posting the dresscode feature..aku dr kmaren blm sempet beli soalnya dresscode jarang dipasaran..can i grab it from your post?
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