Remember that i promised to post atleast once a week ? Well here is my promise
I was kinnda bored while studying so i took some pics :) hahaha
I know, i'm a bad girl -_- But we all get bored right?

Just wanderlust assymetrical studded outer , grey inner oneandahalf @happy go lucky , zipper legging , MIINT black studded boots , unbranded accessories
My schedule is kinnda tied up starting from next week
Monday : School till 1pm , then extra lessons at school till 3pm
Tuesday : Same as Monday
Wednesday : Same as Tuesday and Monday
Thursday : Same as Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday
Friday : School till 11am , then extra lessons at school from 12.30 - 2.00pm , then go to my course (Nurul Fikri) from 2.00 - 4.00pm
Saturday : Extra lessons at scholl from 7.30am - 12.00pm
Sunday : Course Nurul Fikri from 8.00am - 12.00pm
Even on Saturday and Suday i have extra lessons and course !!
Poor me :(
Well that's all for my future right guys ?? Please give me support
My dream High School is 28 Highschool then my dream university is UNPAD bandung :) wohooooo . Hope i can reach my dreams :))
Love love love
41 feedbacks:
i love your peep toe studded boots darling :D
and that pearl bracelet is so cute ! where'd you get them ? i collect pearls too :)
good luck with your busy schedule . I'm quite busy myself in this last 2 weeks of semester as well . :D
sabilaaa..ayo adain blogger meet hhe :)
michelle : the studded boots are one of MIINT Creations :) And i forgot where i got the pearls :) hahahahha
Bethanyputri : ayo ayo kaaaa :) ajak yang lain juga ajaa biar tambah seru
great style you got there dear :)
Lovin' it all !
And you shouldn't push yourself too hard on the studies . But we all hope for the best !
The outfits are all HOT ! Love them all yummy
Hey i want to order those studded boots ! They're from MIINT right ? How can i order ?
lalaa : Thank you yaaa :) yes i know that but i'm actually fine with it , it's just i don't really have free time to do my other hobbies.
Well it's just for a year right ? hahaa just hope me the best
Supergirl : wow hahaha makasih
hmmm kamu buka aja FBnya MIINT : MIINT Creations
nah disana ada nomer telpon sama kolkesi koleksi yang lain
kalo mau order sms aja yaaaaa
the studded boots are making me drill ! I want those
and great combination !
LOVE all what you were wearing ! starting from the outer till the boots !
stellalula : makasih hahaha bootsnya ada di MIINT kooo
Nancy drew : wow hahaha thank you tooo :)
loving this greyish photoshoot, lil sist. I think you're lucky being busy fot positive things as you mentioned here. i'm proud of you.
you're sooo cute nabilaaa.. adorable! :)
setuju sama kak bethanny kaaak, pasti seru :D
Hey, we got the same dream school! Darii dulu juga aku mau bangeeeeeeet masuk 28 :D
Wish you luck [:
bilaaa :]
i love your booties! let's meet up someday ;]
yang fotoin temenku, she's secretly talented ;]
RE: thanks for you comment :D
visit me again ? hehe
i've got a new post upp..
Wow sissy, same with you, I'm planning to study at 28 high school too! (Meanwhile the others talking about your stuff I'm talking about school)
Kak Sabila,It's me kak.Aya.I hope your dreams come true.. hehe..
well,visit my blog ya !
wow you have a great blog!! I love your blog and I've nominated you an award :)
silmi sabila : yes , i'm planning to go to 28 high school :) it's everyone's most fav school
btw , i can't post a comment on your blog , there's something wrong with your settings . You should fix it
keren banget sih kak,blognya,hehe
love ur studded boots ;p
thank you you you yaaaa :)
awwww beautiful photos ♥
i love your blog, i'm deffnately a follower now :)
check out my blog,
xx Kirra
Hope there will be enough chair for me, cause I live out of Jakarta. Ah I see, thank you for telling me :) I've fixed it
hi dear, i gave u an award, check out my blog pls!:)
hey sabila, thanks for the kind comments :d
I got my template from ... browse there, you can find a lot of cute skins there~
oh about exchanging links, do you want to exchange with or ? please let me know, I'll be glad to :D
love the boots! <3
btw, kamera yg aku pake Olympus E-300, dear =]
love how you combined studs with pearls.. i am addicted to pearls right now.. anyway good luck, i know u can go to your desired university.. (:
thanks for commenting :)
I've got a new VIDEO BLOG up now ! it's the DIY tutorial of the shredded shirt you commented on :)
please check it out if you have time..
omg, u are the cutest thing EVER! i love ur little ankle boots and ur fringe looks amazing on u! very cute blog :)
eh hi dear, this is my first comment for u . and FYI my foster brother is student in 28 senior high school ;D
he's a swimmer and he got into 28 easily because his achievement.hehe just a short story from me
anyway, i love ur blog .cause ur so cute , and i love ur outfit .heart heart dear :D
hmmm... the frequency is almost the same -- the difference is just one dedicated for fashion and the other is my personal blog (as a novelist). it's up 2 u :]
hey hey your studded boots are so cool! wanna exchange links? :P
hello.i'm yofany :)
sure i would like to ex.links, it's my pleasure to ex ink with a fashion blogger like you :)
anyway, i love the way you used the necklace as bracelet. ! :D
That boots is so WOW !!
hey sweetie, nice outfit!
abt the raditya dika meeting, yeah he actually arranged a meeting, and we didnt know each other before : )
Woah, your style is truly one of a kind and experimental indeed :) which I love, of course!
It's okay we all get distracted once in awhile :p
whoaa..thankiess dear for ur comment on my blog :D
my foster brother is on first grade.but i dont know the exact class, and i hope u do entering 28's SHS so u can meet my brother.LOL
Ugh, that's a damn boring schedule! Looks to me like you need to schedule more time for eatin and get some meat on them bones!
like u're boots... :)
looove ur amazing boots
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