yeaaay! i can finally post something

ANATA tribal top.PICNIC harem pants.VINTAGE shawl (worn as belt).SMITHA hat.schucoo pink oxford
some quality time with my school friends :)

something more..

thank you nadhyra for making this for me! love you dear
something HOT

Bloop Endorse's latest collaboration with Diana Rikasari : "Geometry Class" collection. Just can't wait to get some of these sick HOT items very soon :)
you can always purchase them online HERE or visit their store
Bloop Endorse
Jalan Tebet Utara Dalam no. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12820

p.s : have some time ? VOTE me HERE

ANATA tribal top.PICNIC harem pants.VINTAGE shawl (worn as belt).SMITHA hat.schucoo pink oxford
some quality time with my school friends :)

something more..

thank you nadhyra for making this for me! love you dear
something HOT

Bloop Endorse's latest collaboration with Diana Rikasari : "Geometry Class" collection. Just can't wait to get some of these sick HOT items very soon :)
you can always purchase them online HERE or visit their store
Bloop Endorse
Jalan Tebet Utara Dalam no. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12820

p.s : have some time ? VOTE me HERE
44 feedbacks:
Will you follow the National exam kak Sabila?as always i wish you luck on the exam,dear!
You look so cute with that outfit.
I hope you stop by my blog,and see and comment in my latest post,i hope you like it! Want to exchange link?
Rainbows of Riumni
Thank you:)
good luck dear !
and i love you in pants sabila !
your figure looks gorgeous in those !
love your pants sabila,and you look so cute here.
btw,good luck for the final exam!
love your harem pants
good luck for your exam
xoxo nathalie
thank you guys! it really means alot to me :)
riumni oolya : thank youuu dear :)yes i will follow the national exam starting this monday. gosh it's nearly here right? i will totally visit your blog
michelle : thank youuu ka :) you look gorgeous as well
GOOD LUCK! u look so beautiful there :D
I love your outfit! The belt nicely proportions your lacey shirt and long pants.
And your school uniforms are so cute!
-Juliette from WhereForArtThouRomeo
Oh gosh,those pants are AMAZING ! And you look just like a doll when you smile !
i love the way you smile.
it's so bright and lovely. :D
anyway, good luck at your exam! ^^
kak sabilaa, love ur harem pants and the vintage hat :D
good luck for the national exam , kak !
Good Luck for your National Exam Sabila...
Can't wait to see u with high school uniform :D
cheers UP!!
you all flattered me :) thank youuuuu
sabilaaa! ohyeah! its already next week!
good luck!
Kak Sabila I always wish you luck :) I'm going to have UASBN too, and please visit my blog: :D
kak sabila :D tambah cantik bangeeeeet. hey, potong rambut ya kak?
Your photos are getting more awesome sissy! So you've got the camera that you've been dreamin of, eh?
wiii lucu serius deh foto2nyaaaa yang awaaalll :D :D so cute! :D
thank youuuuu :)
regina : it's in 3 more days girl!! gosh it's happening soo fast
curious : well good luck for the two of us :) sure i'll visit your blog
hasna afifah : thank youuu dear <3 no i didn't cut my hair , tapi cuman dirapihin pinggir pinggirnyaa hihi
silmi sabila : thank youuu hihi noo i didn't get it yet i still use a magic digi cam. it's only a usual digicam but have super amazing quality!
benazio : thank youuu ka :) i've always loved your blog
hey, nice blog you got here!
wish us luck for national exam ya!
come to my blog -->
nice photos dear.. always love your style! great pants and top too..
what software did u use to edit those photos?
heey sabila, long time no see ur daily looks :D
iya nih UAN in 2 days...... stressing out. danti kenaaaal, km temenya ya?
btw, km sekolah dimana sab?
I wish you all the best sy for the national exam!!
you great on that outfit :)..
anw,ud liat outfit post aku yg terbaru bloom?itu pake shawl dari kamu yg aku bikin jd fringe :D..hehe..itu warna dasarnya apa yaa sblm kamu bleach?pada nanya abisnya..hahaha
love love the pants and the shoes and YOU!
quirky n effortlessly stylish (: well done there!
plis ya jangan pake behel.
aweee i missed you too sabila :D
hope we can meet soon !
you're one of the few indo bloggers i havent got a chance to meet up with !
hugs and kisses ..
glisters and blisters
good luck! ur harem pants is cute yha :) do visit, follow, comment my blog. ive linked you, link me back?
Oooh 41 tau tau hehe, gimana uan mu sab? Iyaaaku pake bb hehe add my pin add my pin!! :P :P 266bb064
hey hows the national exam? :)
love all your pics above!
youre cute, really!
mind to exchange links?
The Queen of Queer
Good luck girl!!
senyum na manis bangett:)
btw i already link you:)
dont forget enter my giveawy:) you will regret this if u dont open it :)
that top is so cute, and I love your hat. Gorgeous blog :)
nice top, sabila!
my sis just finished her national exam too
hope you'll get good results :)
Castor Pollux
hai sabila :)
love your pants so much . i just arrived here and hope you want to see my blog and exchange link.. :)
thanks a lot :)
Cutie:) I love your school outfits!
cute outfits~!
love it! :)
I really love your outfit!
Visit my blog? Leave a comment? Follow? :)
sabilaa.. bgs deh photonya. agak musim2 gugur gitu kelihatannya. hehe
btw, aku suka sama rambut kamu. :D
gosh THANK YOU guys :)))
Happy b'day Sist Sabila. .
I am a new blogger here so, maybe we can be friend and I like to have a friendship with u. . ^_6
Imut deh kamuu..
Pants lucuu, kok ga ada alamat toko untuk pantsnya sih..
Beli di mana?
Amazing pants styled to perfection!
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