tribal outer : ANATA
purple skirt : UNBRANDED
belt : VINTAGE
knee socks : SOX GALLERY
shoes : MIINT
military hat : YELLOWLINE
so this is what you call love at first sight, just like what happened when i saw this cute military hat! yes i just fell in love with it when i first saw it. well ummm nothing big is coming up but i'm still waiting for the national exam result.
you know what's on my mind all of these time? well here's the thing , i'm going to graduate from JHS soon and we have to make a photo shoot for our yearbook. buuut me and my friends are way confused which place is good for a photo shoot. our class theme is well uuuuuum F.U.N (i guess). the ONLY THING we're sure is we want to take the photo shoot OUTDOOR. any suggestions guys ?
p.s : do you know Evita Nuh ? duuh or course you know , well she's holding her first giveaway, so if you want to join just check out her blog HERE

i choose the leaf bangle , why ? hmmm i just want to haha well i actually liked the purple boots but too bad i'm a size 39 and the purple boots are a size ...... 35/36 -_-
and also win this cute necklace down at grosgrain

Allorahandmade Party Sunny Necklace GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
14 feedbacks:
niceee, kak :)
love your top + shoes!
anw, miint jual shoes namanya 'lace up peep toe' yg pernah d pake kak tika versicle ga? soalnya d blognya kak tika tulisannya miint tp ad album miint ga ad shoes itu :(
hola sabila knp ga di bioskop aja? dulu gue mo moto disitu tp ga sempet ngomong apa engga di puncak ehehe editan lo keren, inspirasi dari mana? (SSS)
woww love your top and your skirt
i like your online shop
xoxo nathalie
i meannn this shoes :D http://iloveversicle.blogspot.com/2010/03/my-maudlin-career.html
i really like the way u dress up la sabila.
so jealous.hehe:)
hmm anyway why not u try to have photoshoot in the forest? :)
shatirah / tyra'station
great combination sabila!
u totally rock over-knee socks :)
Castor Pollux
Oh, such a cute girl.. ;)
Halo, Pastel Girl.. I'm the Picnic Girl.. lets exchange link, shall we?
woooooooow!!! i love everything that you wore! and, i have a hat similiar just like yours! and it was love at first sight for me too. haha
huuu i heart your ha :3
luv ur hat very much
visit mine n leave some comments..
oh ya,,wanna x-link or follow each other??
hi sabila. . .
aku creamy dri :
Tp blh nanya ga?
Knpa akhir2 ini blogger ga bs nyimpan change setting ya?
Wktu edit posting, posting yg aku edit ga ngaruh di blog qw..
Wktu gnti background jg. . Ga bs gnti background jadinya karena udah ke-save tp ga bs d tampilkan..
hey your outfit is wonderful......^^ love it
hei nice blog :)
love your style
hei nice blog :)
love your style
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