that's too short

These are the rest of the photos i took at taman menteng :)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
oneandahalf loose bluse , only i monkey skirt , TOPSHOP peach tights , MIINT shoes
Thank you Nadhyraa

Oh yaaaa MIINT is having a CLEARANCE SALE ! Only for Rp 100.000 EACH ITEM in the album :)
We will always be uploading more photos each day , sooooo what are you waiting for ???
Check it out : MIINT

That's it guys :)
i'm going straight to bed know

39 feedbacks:

Marla Singer said...

nice shot, sabila! love all the pictures so much! and your skirt is very eye-catching <33

Shanen A. Kurniawan said...

cool outfit :D
love the photos !! x)

Sabila Anata said...

thank youu :)

Green Freedom said...

great smile you have ! who's taking pictures of you ?

Fika said...

waaa time ke taman menteng bareng yuuk..hihihi *abis yg tgl11 tentunya..hohoho*

bowler hatnya masih ada koq :D..I keep that for youu :)..nnti dibawain pas meet up yaa..kamu bawa aja barang apapun yg mau diswap ;)..oke?hihi

Anonymous said...

aaaah love all of your pictures so much :))

Veren Lee said...

love your skirt and your balloons! <3 kawaii.

kak, blognya udah aku link + follow. link back yaaa. hehe

if u want, u can follow me too.

thank youu. :)

The Fierce Berry said...

nice photoshoots dear ! i lyk ur top btw, mind exchnge link ? ive linked you



copyproof said...

exchanging link?? I'd love to, dear..
Anyway,I love all the pics! they're superb!
and thx for the sweet comment on my blog ;)

Sabila Anata said...

thank you again :))

bethannyputri said...

aku gak dateng blogger meet up sayang..lagi berusaha dpt invite brightspot untuk opening party nya nih..kamu dtg?

Silmi Sabila said...

Oh haha I see. Ah I wanna bite her cheek. It looks so yummy!

Leah said...

Hey girl... you are so pretty. Love the images.

freyja said...

LOVE your blog :):)
thanks for visiting mine !
I feel like a total idiot when I say this but what does exchanging links means ! I'm new at this blog thing and somebody needs to tell me :) ?

freyja said...

btw I'm fallowing your blog :)
loove it

Silmi Sabila said...

Haha if only I was fatter. I'm too skinny to be bitten. Anyway sissy, do you know a girl named Rifa? She's in 41 jhs too

Silmi Sabila said...

Yeaah terribly hot! Haha okay we're skinny girls. Go skinny go!hahah. Gapapa sih tapi dia temen les aku hehe

michelle_ said...

i love these balloon shots very much !
they're soo cute and playful :D

great postt dear !
visit / follow / and comment me .
xoxo .
Michelle from Glisters & Blisters

Diane said...

Hy! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your ballons! I love colorful stuff in general:P
I just bought some pink and green earings :D


stylefrontier said...

the shots are awesome!
mabe next time i will try to have a shot there hehe
hope can meet you in the blogger meet up dear

t a l i s h a said...

nice photos.. cute balloons!~anyway, to answer ur question, i'm still in la right now. however.. i'll be home in 10 days. yayness (:

glee said...

very pretty girl. great photos ;)

Unknown said...

iyah sih, agak ribet. dan nguras kantong juga haha. tp smoga hasilnya worth it.

Valencia Lia said...

thanks for the lovely comment !!

I love love all these photos so much,beautiful top you wore with that skirt and those balloons are perfect in your pictures:)

Sure we could exchange links,adding you to my blogroll right now and a follower too<3

Sabila Anata said...

thank you guys ( again again and again )

Unknown said...

nanny? maksudnya granny? well she hates me so yeah haha

Lisa & Cathy said...

we'll be VERY glad to exchange linkss :D

I love it! said...

Love your style! :D

selvira letantrya said...

sabila this blog is awfull ,love it .

Fian said...

hai dear! :)
thx for your comment on my post..
and waw,, all of your photos is sooo inspiring for me..
^^,,so cutee,,

yap,,dgn senang hati dear.. ^^
just follow my blog too if you like it,,i'll be do the same for your blog :)


fadetoblack said...

you are toooooooooooooo cute man!!!
thanks for the comment!! :)


fadetoblack said...

YES i linked you!!!


michelle_ said...

thanks for your comment sabilaa .. jumaat jadi ke brightspot dl nga ??

visit / follow / and comment me .
xoxo . Glisters & Blisters

Feny said...

yes, mean exchange link, can we?

yurieca garnis said...

nice photo shoot..
i've done some photo shoot last year at taman menteng too.. :) quite a nice place to take some picts.. hehe.

cute outfit, sabila.
thanks for leaving me a comment,yaaa.. :)


Zhcsyra hp said...

adorable skirt <3333

Sabila Anata said...

hey everyone :)
thanks for the nice comments
i will link you all right away

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Anonymous said...

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