dream bubbles

a couple of weeks ago there was this mentoring thing at my school. the say that if u want something, go for it. but one of the things to actually achieve it is to actually write it down...on something, so you'll always be remembered that ur after something. after a dream. so the mentors told us to take out a piece of paper and a pencil to write it down. and i was like WHAT?? on a piece of white paper?with pencil?? c'mooon, i can't possibly write down all of my dreams in a piece of paper with a pencil! Where's all the fun? i thought that it was suppose to remind us of what we're after but i don't think a piece of white paper can catch my eyes. or worst, it'll end up in the trash basket. so i decided not to write it down, i just doodled on the paper. but that doesn't mean that i'm not going to write down my dreams, i am! in fact, in a fun and colorful way! see for urself :D
all better :D

btw, these are not just my dreams. sabrina took part and actually write down her's. so if u see any bubble that has weird handwriting, that's her's

and was having breakfasting again with 2013 (34 2013 generation) on Wednesday.
there was suppose to be this whole group photo but i don't know which camera it was taken with...oh well

3 feedbacks:

kelimutu said...

great picture!!
I feels like also want to make something like that..
these just pretty cute.. :)

Anonymous said...

Just for your information, udh ga ada lagi yg namanya PMDK UI, now it's called : SNMPTN undangan. Same but different.

michelle_ said...

LOVE YOUR PHOTOS always sabila :) :)