Just the thing i wanted to tell you

Yap , don't follow my bird ( my twitter ) anymore because i actually DELETED it
before i explain why i deleted it , i want to thank everyone who had followed me :)
Then the story begins....

Yap , don't follow my bird ( my twitter ) anymore because i actually DELETED it
before i explain why i deleted it , i want to thank everyone who had followed me :)
Then the story begins....
Well actually deleting my twitter didn't take me that long to make the decision
I finally realize that twitter actually isn't the right thing for me . I get addicted to it then wasting my time tweeting , and sometimes i write something that i'm not suppose to write .
My friends say that i'm a much different person when i'm tweeting ( which is not a good thing ).
I don't want to fight with my friends because of such a simple thing .
Because i don't want to make everything much more worst , i decided to delete it
I think i did a right thing and happy for it :)
But that doesn't mean you should stop tweeting , you just have to manage time well and be careful on what you write
I've actually changed my mind about the camera :)
Now i kinnda fall in love with Canon eos 350D . I know it's an old camera but since i saw ka Onic's (miss onic) photos on her blog ( she uses canon 350D ) i started to like it :D
And thinking again , it's not that pricey right ?
I've actually changed my mind about the camera :)
Now i kinnda fall in love with Canon eos 350D . I know it's an old camera but since i saw ka Onic's (miss onic) photos on her blog ( she uses canon 350D ) i started to like it :D
And thinking again , it's not that pricey right ?
42 feedbacks:
good decision ;)
I always think that Twitter is unnecessary, I mean there are Bloglovin and Google Connect..
I dunno, I have twitter but I'm luckily not addicted to it hehe I just have it because I wanted to follow some blogs that don't offer me to follow by GFC -.-'
nice blog anyway ;) hope we'll keep talkin hun
ouh yeah, i got a bit shocked to know that. we twitted before you deleted your account, and when i wanted to reply it, i was terribly shocked that you page is deleted. But you made a very wise decision then :)
iyah, tp kayaknya udah nggak keluar barunya. jadi beli second aja bil. tapi belinya yang bagus. cari2 aja dulu, harganya juga nggak bikin bunuh diri haha
wah,keputusan yg bagus sabila, kalo kamu sudah merasa tidak cocok lagi gak apa-apa kok , saya sebnernya juga jarang ngetweet, tapi sometimes ada gunanya juga sih twitter,he..he...is up to you little girl,eh gimana ya caranya supaya ada foto halaman twitter gitu di blog??? kasih tahu donk,, di scan dulu ya apa gimana?
yeahyehayeah its a good desicion.aku juga kadang kadang merasa gakcocok sama twitter hehehe.ohiya, you have a promisse to me for linking me heheh.i already link you yaaa
Congrats on having control of your own life and making decisions YOU feel that's right for YOU. I admire you for that :)
I have 2 twitter acc sy..one private for me and my friends..the other one is open publicly&mostly for my blogger friends..hehe
and I don't tweet too much actually..mostly I just reply or retweet others tweet :p..hehe
I think you should make 'pastel girl' twitter acc..just to get connected with blogger friends :D..hehe *just my opinion tho*..hehe
thank you guys :)
about making a pastel girl twitter, hmmm still thinking :)
Tapi gue lebih seneng liat tweets punya lo si daripada anak2 lain. Soalnya kalau yang lain kan biasanya gitu lah, tweets nya cuma ngomongin cowok doang.
Yes, let's exchange links!
WOW, I AM SO IMPRESSED with your header! Great design! I left you link on my blog for those amazing shoes. In case you haven't seen it yet, here it is:
hey! well i think that if you think twitter is not for you than its agood thing you got rid of it.. and i can totally see how something like twitter could change you as a person ...
and yes Ill definitely link exchange with you :) x
yeah... memang terkadang menjadikan kita terlalu -addict- dengan tweet... good choice girl..
I'm quite a bit addicted to twitter as well, but as I know me, this addiction will be over in about a month and then I'll only check it occasionally ...
iof course we can exchange links...i'm going to put you on my blogroll now
I love your blog- You are 'tres' creative :)
Follow me, I'll follow youu :)
Thanks for dropping by darling, and thanks for the comment xxx Camillaa
Follow me here:
yes sure:)
Hello thank you sooooo much for your lovely comment on my blog! I love your blog and the tweeter thing god everyone goes through it right? I love your blog! And your pic is so cute! Am officially a follower now! About my camera I’ll post that info just for you ok buddy, well take care . =-)
hey, thanks for stopping by my blog :) i would love to swap links here's mine
Clothes Are Cute
Nice blog! ;))
you're looking for a camera. I know what a difficult decision that is. Wish you good luck :)
I will follow you if you follow me xx
Thanks for the comment! xxx
following you now :)
Good decision :) Haha I've always thought Twitter was for useless for people who didn't know you & people who actually read all your tweets were stalkers anyways.
Its alright not to have twitter! heeee But for me,I don't use facebook or anything else. So twitter is my way of keeping in touch with other people around.
And I think you should go ahead with your camera choice!
"Because i don't want to make everything much more worst , i decided to delete it"
isn't that suppose to be worse? well fortunately i'm not addicted to twitter though i'm a blabber :P
What a tough choice in Twitterians era! I myself against of using it to expose my personalities and personal life, I use it mainly to share info about what's going on in the blogosphere, not in the real life.
Anyway, I already put your link on my blog!
ehm its such a big decision for a twitter addict... :D
tp it bgus jg aplgi kn skrng kmu kls 9 yah (klo ga salah)...
well good girl i've been linked n' following u :)
that's a good decision .
i support you for doing that . thank god that tweeting has not changed me as a person . i've always thought what's the point of twitter anyway . but i joind bcos so many pple joined . its kinda a bandwagon thing . :D
and cant wait for ur new canon dear ! cant wait for u to take new shots !
awesome blog post darling !
thanks for sharing this with everyone in the internet worl :D
thanks for commenting at my postt..
visit / follow / and comment me .
glisters & blisters
aww, yeah..I think I was kinda addicted to it before then I tried to not tweet for some time and yeah I did it. But u made a very wise decision dear :]
it's a though decision I think. but good decision sabila :D
can't wait for your new nikon camera, and hopefully you will take lots of great pics like your pics at taman menteng :D
i loooooveee that pic !
hey baby :) nikicio web : http://www.nikico.com
ooh a pretty tough decision, and im glad you followed your conscience! hope alls working out well for you;)
xx raez
haaai sabita...i wait u're new pic with u're new camera y?? hehe...
hmm..i think that's a good decision. anyway, can we exchange our link? I've linked your blog since 3 months ago :) coz I love to read your blog,hehe
ohh that's too bad. well, but it's a wise decision. i don't really care about what people think about me through my tweets, to be honest. i say what i want to say but if you don't want everything to get worse, that's good =]
canon eos 350d? kenapa ga skalian eos 400 atau 450 aja, sissy? i think they're better =D
oh i see.. no wonder twitter kamu gada gt. bte bikin twitter nya pastel girl aja dear :)
will you come on the 2nd blogger meet up ? december 22nd?
please say so :) hehe
huh, i just signed up in twitter last night but
i don't think i can always do an update.
p.s yup, i'm shooting with nikon d60 with either 18-85mm or 200mm lens. one thing is, if you get a chance try to read diff reviews online on slr. oh btw, can we exchange links?
hi sabila :D
wah sayang banget dihapus.
tapi iya juga sih.
daripada keadaan gettin worst.
good decision :D
anw,would u mind to put my link on ur blog?
thanks before dear
I have zero interst in Twitter and other social networking sites because honestly, I would rather talk to my friends in person or on the phone. I applaud you for quitting twitter because it's just another way to waste time. xxoxooxox
Haha, good decision! It can be sooo addicted!
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