Here is some rules to join international blogger community:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above,the rules and questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these rules.
5. Recruit at least seven(7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLOGGIST INFO CORNER (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/ and leave and the URL of your post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your answers:
1. The Personal Tagged Me : carliang sisters
2. His/her site's tittle and url: http://castpoll.blogspot.com
3. Date when you were tagged: January 24th, 2010
Then , i have to write 10 things that always make me happy :
1. getting surprises from people i LOVE
3. melted CHOCOLATE !!!
4. always able to see HIM , without anyone noticing ( yes i do have a "crush" on someone . sssst , don't tell anyone ! )
5. having an adventure ! I always want to climb a mountain . I'm NOT that kind of girl who always brushes her hair or panic when i break a nail.
6. watching discovery channel . I LOVE animals, especially snakes !!
7. watching SUPER FAMILY on ANTV . wohooooooooooooooooo!! LOVE that game show , so fun. It'll be soo cool if i can play in that game show hahaha
8. SHOES <3 <3 <3
9. window shopping !!
10. studying -_-
1. Give thanks to whom it gives you: Thank you ka SUSAN for the lovely award !
2.Name and an author you love: now , i usually read school books -_- but i do love J.K Rowling
3.If applicable, name an author who highlights: J.K Rowling for sure
4. Books you love: why are the questions about books ? Well i love 1001 soal Matematika , 1001 soal fisika , 1001 soal biologi , siap Ujian nasional , Soal-soal PATRIOT , detik detik ujian nasional , PLATUNIM ( yeaaap , still school books )
5. Something that always excites you: friends, family, tv shows, magazines and get good grades !
6. Something you hate: ( these things are not "thing" ) Heidi montag and spencer pratt ! I've mentioned them aloooooot you know ?
Something very pity just happened to me few days ago !! Here's the thing , i've planned to watch RUMAH DARA with my friends , but just when we were about to buy the tickets , the lady won't let us ! Because the movie is for 18 + !! what the .....
Soooooo i will just enjoy the trailer :(
Or maybe wait 'till the DVD comes out !!
One more thing
the second bloggers meet-up is scheduled on friday, feb 5.
venue: grand indonesia
time: 4p.m sharp
dresscode: secondary colors (i.e purple, green, and orange)
kindly spread the words to other fashion bloggers in jakarta,
and do appear at your best,
because this time ka Talisha from RIBONNY BOO is gonna give a prize for the best- dressed blogger.
Be sure you attend !!
But please DON'T WEAR HEELS there :)
Cos' if you do , i'll be the shortest one around -_- hahaha
just kidding . Be your best there !!
6 more followers pleaseeeee

FOLLOW my blog lovin' too :)

CLICK CLICK to follow
18 feedbacks:
Congrats, congrats on the awards!
Wow, that's awesome! 3 awards at the same time.
Have a great day, sweetie!
so we'll meet at the meet-up then? cool! haha i love Rumah Dara btw. IT WAS AWESOME!
Tysha Lukman's Mannequin
thanks for posting the award!
i've updated my blog btw
may I join in bloggers meet-up ? I think it would be fun :)
bila, kamu dateng yaa??
see you on the next blogger meet-up sissy :)
congratulations for the award!
too bad i cant join the blogger meet up :(
will u come to 2nd bloggers meet up,kak?
i will join that too.
so, don't worry. you will not be the shortest. but me. haha :p
sabila, will you attend the blogger meet up ?
aww. okay,let me follow you darlin :)
anw,ru coming to the meet up?
EVERYONE can come to the blogger met up !
Feel free to come and dress your best :)
i will try to come because i've just finished course at 4 p.m.
or maybe i'll be late
hope to see you guys there !!
dresscode ??
kak , aku pgn ikut . but ...
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