You might already notice this, and this is my "Big Project Thingy" i've mentioned on my post few days ago .
Well they told me they would send the magazine to my house, but didn't arrive yet till know. The magazine is already out so you can see the page by yourself :)
Well i asked for Ka Nanda's help to scan the page for me and send it to my email . But have to wait till Monday !
So these are some pictures edited by me , ENJOY :)

P.S : I have DOZENS of these photos but too bad i can't upload it all . Especially edit it too. Because these picture sizes are way too big so i have to minimize them one by one ,and that will kill my hands :)
So these are just some of it !
34 feedbacks:
i just saw you on gogirl. youre the cutest little fashionista :)
is your sis just 6 years old?
Tx haha :)
Your 1 year wrong ...
I'll tell u later until my next post so everyone can guest haha
haha sure, i would happily keep guessing :P
lagi pengen beli kamera yah? anyway, mine is Olympus mju 750. but i borrow my bro's camera pretty often lately, it's canon eas 350d
Yap ur right :)
Lagi puyeng 7 keliling mau beli ya manaa haha tapi budget aku terbatas .
I want to try to buy a SLR (at least semi SLR ) with my own money...
Wish me luck too
blogwalking baby. ;) nice style. do you know that has just turned 14? so young and talented, just like you. :D
halooo sabila imut...hehe thx udah memakai candyfeet shoes di rated stylish gg with fun mix and match way,love it! Boleh link?blh taro fotomu di blog kt?thx sweetie..
@ Arkasha : Oh yes i'll open it :)
@ candyfeetish : i already commented you ok ?
hey sabila, I'm going to answer your question here, since you're too lazy to open other people's blogs :)
yes I use a DSLR and of course I minimize them before uploading 'em, usually with photoshop, or you can also use image hosting sites like imageshack or photobucket and choose the size of photo you want to upload :)
hey cute girl, SABILA, wow kaget bgt pas ngeliat rated stylish di GOGIRL ada gadis kecil seperti kamu, congratulation udah bisa nampang di GOGIRL, gw yakin nanti kalau udah gede pasti lebih stylish lagi he..he... i link u'r blog ok, check out on my blog HOTTA LOTTA, see yeah on there
congrats, Sabila =]. you deserve it! anw, gimana sih cara dapet twitter badge itu? aku udah coba2 dari dulu, gak dapet2.. thanks!
cool fashion blog, girl! i just stopped at your site while i was browsing.
anyway it's a wrong title. supposed to be 'Rated: Stylish'.
i just saw you on gogirl...
ijin ngelink-in blog km dpunyaku ya....
it's cool too see you on GOGIRL! Magazine as a RATED: STYLISH! & it's even cooler that you're only 13 & i was like "WOW!" when i looked at you on the magazine. keep it up! :D
woow..U're soo famous now ;)..hihi
Do U really want to buy camera with ur own money? it was great!!
o iy,,ttg kalung mau bikin gmn?ttp pake ring2nya?klo ga susah2 siy mudah2an aq bisa..hehe
hello sabila,
i just l-l-love your peacock necklace! where did you buy them, dear? i'd be so happy to have them.. please answer my question..
ps: i like your style! :D
wow congrats. ternyata kamu seumur sama aku tp udah bisa masuk gogirl! ehhee congratss :) nice to know youuu
hey, Sabila! I just saw you on Gogirl and I was surprised when I found out your age. You're very young but you have very good style in fashion. Congratulations!
Anyway, I love your stone skirt (second photo). Where did you buy that? And, I just linked your blog :)
so cool.
hello sabila :D
i saw you on "rated stylist" page ,gogirl and i was search your blog
you are very inspired especially for all girl in your age ;D
i wish you can be the one of gogirl! look 2012 finalist, hhehe
wow, thats really cool!
Sorry for the late reply , i've been sick for 3 days
@ Carla : hmm aku sih carinya di google :)
@ Aprot : Tx for reminding me , i already changed it
@ Dewik : SURE
@ Fika : Yap betuuul haha kayanya tuh rasanya lebih gimanaa gitu kalo pake uang sendiri haha
@ Wepe : I got it from a friend :)
@ Intan : Verry hoping ^^
@ Verpertin : Hallooo , if u want them u can sms to 085697884444
If your not in indonesia just email to :
tx :)
i just saw you on gogirl. im proud of u sabilla :D:D smooches ~
i really love your fashion style! especially the way you wear your clothes, you're so confident! :D
hey cute girl you're so geniusssssssss i like your style hihihi ohiya,kamu bilang that betty la shop is your own shop,boleh minta linknya ga?aku pengen lohhh liat koleksinya hehehe
kiss and hugs,
hi sabila,,congrats yaa .
anyway,,i love ur style .
can i link ur blog??
and can i add ur fb??
thankies yaa .
halo kak sabilaa! aku baru aja liat kakak di gogirl hihi. im one year younger than you are huahua. aku link blog km ya kak ;)
That Peacock necklace!!! Oh I think I just fall for you! -xo
heyyy i love that peacock feather necklace
a huge congrats of you chic girl for the rated style of Gogirl..! poor me. i never buy the mag.coz i spare my bucks for Vogue, nylon and Elle. =( but i can gladly view you by this blog.. i love it!
sabilaa gaya kamuu stylish dan edgy...kamu mungkin suka sama tas2 buatan aku buka aja di ya..i love the lay out of the blog..keep up the good work!!!
If it's FREE i want some! hahaha just kidding :)
ok i'll check it!
i loved the peacock neck piece! :)
is it still available??
I just so LOVE your style
They are sooo cute
And it looks really good on you!
Great job
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