Sea Of Shoes Indonesia :)

Afternoon ya all !

Something very unique just happended to me today .
Today when i just arrived home i saw 3 big packages on my bed , but i remembered that i didn't order anything . I only ordered somethings from Garage Store , but when i opened it , it was shoes !! They are all so cute :)
But too bad they aren't mine , they're customer's shoes ! And none of them are my size , but some fits though :)

I was like a shopaholic finish shopping then trying the shoes :) It felt nice though!
So instead dreaming of the shoes , i just try some of them before shipping them to their owners .. But not all of them because some of them can't fit in my feet .
But i LOVE my knit outer and boots from Garage Store !

Bye bye shoes ! -_-

Oh yea, the next onlineshop i want to buy is Nefertiti Jewels ! Maybe just a necklace or something :) Nefertiti i'm coming !

Sabila the shoe lover

33 feedbacks:

aurelia febby riil said...

sabila :D

i saw you have those edgy strap heels(the black one).
i am wondering , are they come from your online shop?
because i really love it.

emm, by the way
really nice to know you.
i know your blog from the magazine recently.
you're really creative with your stuff actually.
and i really admirer it.

see my blog if you don't mind.
thx before.


Fanny Trijayanti said...

haaii.. love the shoes.
i like ur legs, so you look good when u wore those minis..
i also like to check out ur onlinee shop.
but too bad, they're quite expensive.. but i will buy some of them. =)

check my blog if u don't mind

INBERT StreetStyle said...

sabilaaa... u are so cute yaaa hihihi.... jadi gemez deh dgn umurmu yg segitu wooww really2 I like your style hihihi....2 thumbs up for u bebz...


Sabila Anata said...

Idiotic : Yes they're from my onlineshop :) Sure i'll visit your blog!
Fanny : Oh sure !

Sabila Anata said...

Inbert : haha tx alot :)

Super Girl said...

I want to order the studd one ! how can i order ?

lalaaa said...

Hahaha nice title ! Sea of shoes Indonesia :)

Sabila Anata said...

Super: email me to
or sms me 085697884444

G said...

Sabila, aku kelas 3 sma, tapi tingginya sama 155 cm..... huhu pengen tinggi juga nih haha

Cempaka Maulidya said...

sabilaaa.. you're so cool .. so stylish . i like your shoes.. :)

Wina said...

photonya jgn kejauhan donk say, kan outfitnya jd gak kliatan. hehe : )

ONiC said...

oh girl, hawt shoesss :D
anyway, aku dah kuliah sayang. jadi jadwalnya nggak matching sama yang masih sekolah. kemaren sih sempet jealous pada liburan. but now is my turn muahahaha

aurelia febby riil said...

i want those studed shoes.
how can i get it?

thx before :D

superumi said...

thanks for dropping the birthday wish =)

i wish i could 'click' the pictures you posted for clearer view.

Sabila Anata said...

Idiotic : You can order by emailing me to
or sms me 085697884444

And for all of you , i think some of you have been complaining about the small pictures :) I admit it , it is small . I always minimize them before uploading them . Because 1 photo is around 3MB , and if i edit it it would be bigger around 5MB . That will take forever , so i minimize it small so that it won't take too long to download . But i guess i minimized it too small so that you can't hardly see the clothes hhe .
From this day on i won't minimize photos too small ! haha

aurelia febby riil said...

thx dear :D
wait for my messages.

kamuu bisa koq upload voto di minimize tanpaa ga kliaatan.
sebelum kamu minimize kamu crop voto nyaa biar bener" pas cuma 1 badan kamuu.
jdii klo kamu minimizee votonya bakal ttep kliatan.

*cheers :D

Sabila Anata said...

Oh siip deh ahaha tx for the advice yaaa !

aurelia febby riil said...

sama sama :D


can't wait for the heels ;D

Shabrina Izazi said...

hi sabila :) i'm shabrina. i saw the pics of you when i was reading go girl hihi. wew you're so great! masi umur 13 tp udah bisa msk rated: stylish majalah gitu hoho. km kls 9? aku jg loh. tapi umur aku 14 (tua yaa ;p;p)
oh yeaaa aku link km yaaa hehe. no problem kan? :) hehe

Anonymous said...

hi sabila :)
those shoes are great!
anw,wanna exchange link?
please reply on my blog :)
thank you dear ^^

Sabila Anata said...

Shabrina : yap i'm in 9th grade ! haha siip deh :)

Ella : Yes will do !

Caroline Robianto said...

wow nice shoes ;D

gimana caranya ya pesen spatunya? saya mau liat2 donks hehehe :D

Marla Singer said...

hey, thanks for dropping by =D
about the acid wash scarf, i have no idea about this. but i recommend if you want to have a nicer one than mine =P
i just cut it from a top, and i don't have another top to be cut. hehehehe.

Sabila Anata said...

Caroline : Hmm buka aja FBnya betty ; or the blog

Marla : oh hahah ok deh tx yaa

Super Girl said...

I already sms you ok?

lalaaa said...

Yea, your pics are tiny dear
I can't see the detail on what you're wearing !
But think u've listended on the other comments , because your latest post have a big pic hhe nice nice

Betty LA Shop said...

Once again , You can order by emailing us to
or sms to 085697884444
tx tx

adityanization! said...

sabila.. aku sudah nerima paketan sepatunya! bagus bgt beb!
thank you ya? wah.. siap2 kumpul uang buat next order nih!


lalaaa said...

Wow ! Thinking of getting one too :)

Super Girl said...

Sabila ! Sepatunya dah nyampe and i LOVEEEE it :))) Tx bangeeet ya and ga nyesel deh !

tx abunccccchhh !

Nancy Drew said...

Love the studded ones :)
i want oneeeeeeeee
i'll sms betty

Sabila Anata said...

Aditya : wah seneng dehsukaaa :) order lagi dooong hehe

Supergirl : iyaaa sama samaaa

Nancy : siiip dah ha

Sepatu Bandung said...

waaah nice shoes....
salam kenal
Sepatu Bandung
Sukses ya...:)