Huff second day of 9th grade ! We actually didn't do anything because some of the teachers didn't really came to class. But some just came in and tell about UAN and others .
Oh yea! I just want you to know my new chairmate Seleta! She's kinnda shy to take pictures haha . Incase you get confused, that's my face and Seleta's the one looking down ( actually she's playing her cell ). And so you know too , i'm not paying attention to anything ! There's no teacher and nothing on the board . It's just my pose so i can get Seleta's picture , with me ofcourse . Because she's kinnda in a bad mood that day :)
Well, just enjoy :)

Today we had gym so i brought a bigger bag . Yesterday my bag was soo small that only fits 2 books and a pencil case.
And YES , i wear glasses :) i'm -1.25
Is that bad or just still normal ? Oh well i only use them in class
And in that picture i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly -_-
And in that picture i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly -_-
I look like my mom !!
P.S : Speaking of cheers , tommorrow i have drumband ( i'm a cheers) practise . Huhh will be home late
34 feedbacks:
Hai2!! Nice legging and glasses and others! Ahahahahaha! So you're a 9th grader? Well I'm a 7th grader. Where did you go to school at?
Read my blog and reply there!!
How did you take a picture?
Sorry, oh yeah just telling good to see you back here!
Shilla : Yes i go to SMP 41 Jakarta :) do you know that? haha hmm i took the picture by camera , there is no teacher so it's ok to take out the camera and tx i'll totally visit ur blog
Oh yea Shila , i don't know why but i can't leave any comments on your blog! Do you know why? tx
sabila kamu cakeb pake kacamata soo sweet :)
sabila salam kenal x)
wah suka banget style mu hhe , baru smp udah keren banget!
tukeran link yuk , hhe
Honey i was more bored than I was tired lol
anyway short answers are pretty fun : )
how i miss school so much =D
sepatunya keren sabila, so cute ditambah pita gold itu, tapi sekolah kamu gak masalah tuh kalo pake sepatu dengan pita kayak gitu????
Gabriella : sweet ? i look like my mom ! haha
Valonia : Oke deeeh
TARA : haha it's ok lah , ga ada aturan aturan gitu ko :) asal ga ketauan guru tertentu ajaaa hhe
haha like it ! cute though
You look cute in any clothes :)
And looove the shoes ! Keep it up
Oh yea, did you make those bows by yourself?
Super Girl : Tx :)
Sabila A : We have same names! haha hmm yes i made it myself!
You deserve it Sabila . You are at such a youg age and very talented too :) waiting for more of your posts!
I like you! haha it seems that your online right? mee too hmmm i'm already working on 1 post! just wait for it hhe
Yes we do . I think your very nice person , can be a nice friend :)
No , i'm not really online . I just want to chat with you . I've sent an email! we can chat sometimes ok?
Sabila A : Yes we can
Super girl : yes will do !
how old are you?
13rd years old?
and you're a 9th grader?
nice :D
i really like the idea of the 1st pictures.
haha.very funny dear :)
I don't know. I'll check it later. thanks for the reply. I go to 216, it's a nice school though. what camera do you have? I'm planning to buy a camera. What's the best camera? do you know??
Do you have any yahoo messenger or msn? we can have a chitchat there..
if you can't reply to my blog just send your e-mail to 085694934607/
thanks :)
yeah sabila u look super duper cute when u wear glasses :) i like it !
Idiotic : yes i'm 13 and i'm in 9th grade haha oh tx
Shila : Yes, you should check hmm i use NIKON coolpix L100 . SLR are good you know, they're the best! And just add my ym:
Gabriella : really ? i look like my mom !
Love the bows . wow i think your stylish everywhere , even at school . Just lovin you :)
really, thanks :))
Hey, just wondering what time did you usually go online? how about tomorrow? Just text me when you're online! Btw, thanks for the advice! SLR is too expensive! I really wanted but that's the thing! the PRICE!!! :(
Number: 085694934607 (from my earlier comment)
yeah of course dear ~
aren't you suppose to be 8th grader like me?
i'm turning 14 this october :)
that explaiin :D
well then, nice to know you, sist
hope we can be best friend.
hey little miss sabila, i should praise ur blog. nice posts you got here! i'm enjoying every single words written, every picture taken and uploaded. so if u don't mind, i copy ur link and put it on mine. i'm new, by the way.
catch ya!
xx - clara
Nice post
But still wondering
Why do you title it as "stupid" post about school?
What's the "stupid" part?
Because i think it's niceeee
idiotic pheb : yes we can :)
Clara : Oh thanks for the comment yaaa .
Nancy : you again haha , well because i think no one have ever posted something like this and who really cares what i'm wearing to school coz people know that we wear uniforms ! haha
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