messed up

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i don't know. i'm totally messed up. i feel there's "something" that makes me sooo hard to smile these days. well i know one of the reasons. i've made many wrong turns that i regret so much! these "wrong turns" i took really bust down (waaaay down) my days,my mood,my smiles. I force myself doing these things that i don't love or enjoy at all. but i HAVE TO.

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yeah i face these things A LOT! it's just confusing , when u know ur facing something like this ur whole body starts to weak down and can't think of anything at all. like they said, regrets always happen in the end, well yes it's true. But i've learned something. i'll be more wise when saying "yes" or "no" to some things. i try to comfort myself by doing simple things that i actually love.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
because of some "things i don't love but MUST do" things, i sadly have to move aside some great events coming up this week. one of them is the "WHOAAA" event i mentioned on my last post. it's opening today ... but i'm stepping aside on coming.

p.s: i never liked my Fridays now, NEVER.

4 feedbacks:

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Aww, I hope things will get better! <3


riestya said...

cheer up dear <3


Unknown said...

semangaaat yaaa :))

sartob said...

cheer up dear! beautiful pics you've got there btw :)