My Fish Eye

You might be wondering "What the heck is that little green thing? Is that boogie?" First, it's NOT a boogie. How can you say that. This thing is cute, very usefull and as I can say, cheap. But rhis thing is really, a Fish Eye camera! Just like the Lomo Fish Eye, except this thing is only the camera ( I mean the lens) . How this thing work is, you stick it to a camera ( It could be your Cell camera just like mine on the first and second picture or your digital camera) and when you take a picture, the photo will look like a fish eye effect. Just like the third photo. Cute right? So you don't have to buy a real Lomo Camera that costs million rupiah ( or hundreds of dollars). This little thing only costs Rp 95.000,00 ( around US $ 9.00 ). Cheap right? I bought it at Pondok Indah Plaza, Indonesia. In the sky walk , but I forgot what the name of this store is. It's hard to find the store because it's small. From the first time i saw this thing I thought it was a key chain. I don't really like key chains. But when the lady ( at the shop) explains me about it, without thinking I bought it. There are not only Fish Eye effect camera, there are others. So it took me about a half an hour took pick the right one. And it leaves to this little green thing. So once again it's not a boogie. It's a Fish Eye camera that's cute, adorable, usefull and cheap.

6 feedbacks:

Nadhyra's said...

you bought it too? MAU!!!

Sabila Anata said...

yap :) hhe

Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

wow...i never heard about it.
It's interesting..
Di skywalk yg arah ke EX ya? yg di stand" gitu?

Sabila Anata said...

Pondok Indah Mall sai

Anonymous said...

kamu beli di pim dimananya? :D

Nancy Drew said...

Ooooh so nice :))
Really neat looh,
Ini kan kaya produk produk korea gitu yaaa